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Christmas and a question.

I’m a Christmas person.  So I surprised myself a little a few days ago when my partner husband Jeffrey asked, “What about Christmas do you like so much? ”and I couldn’t really come up with an answer. Jeffrey is not a Christmas person and in an effort to make our mixed marriage work I thought that I should come up with an answer.  This question isn't unusual when you consider that I don’t believe that the series of events the holiday is meant to commemorate actually took place, or if they did, it was not in the way I was taught in a Sunday school classroom at Fox Hill Central United Methodist Church.  It was while I was trying to find an answer to this question that I had something of an epiphany, a secular epiphany but an epiphany nonetheless: my love of all things Christmas has very little to do with the New Testament and a great deal to do with A Christmas Carol .  It’s not the Gospel writers (whoever they may be) and the story they tell that fills me with joy this time of
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